This wonderful article from the Fiffik Law group summarizes the ways that your small business can benefit from having access to legal advice via our Small Business Legal Plans!
To be an entrepreneur means to be someone who takes on challenges. It also means you are a problem solver. Knowing what is ahead is half the battle. Lots of people are drawn to entrepreneurship. After all, you get to ditch the corporate life and call all your own shots. There’s a lot of potential “upside” running your own small business. But being an entrepreneur is not always easy. You’ll need to do a lot of legwork before you even start your small business. Once you’re established, being an entrepreneur is fraught with obstacles almost every single day. How you deal with them has a great deal to do with how successful your business can be. Having access to legal advice is a very effective way for you to avoid pitfalls and deal with the challenges when they do come along. Despite this fact, may small business owners do not have an attorney on their team. Why is that?